Nuvolo goes-live with “Thailand,” its first major update of 2024

We are happy to announce that Nuvolo has released their much-anticipated Thailand update. The update sees enhancements to all if its Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) solutions. In this blog post, we will walk through the key changes to Nuvolo’s product. 

Facilities Maintenance and Asset Management

Nuvolo has done a lot of work to enhance the Work Order aspect of the Facilities Maintenance product. In Thailand, Technicians can expect an expedited state transition, which will allow them to complete Work Orders in half of the time. Additionally, a new UI interface will give Technicians the ability to bulk update work orders.

Thailand also brings enhancements for Nuvolo’s GxP Asset Management. Users can now bulk reserve assets, with some features allowing users to view asset health and even the capability to reserve an asset outside the system of assets.


Capital Planning and Projects

Thailand brings updates to the Capital Projects module. Program managers will have the ability to assign funding sources and allocate funds to ensure accurate commitments. Users will now be able to specify the exact location of a project, basing off a specific region, campus, site, and floor. This will allow for more accurate tracking, from costs, to even permits. Lastly, Nuvolo is introducing an Inflation Calculator to the Capital Planning process. This will represent costs based on a single value representation of the increase in price level of goods and services over a certain period.


Space, Move and Reservations

For Space, Move and Reservations, Thailand brings a plethora of new features. The stacking, blocking, move tools are more interconnected, with a financial analysis tool coming to both stacking and blocking tools. Nuvolo is also introducing the ‘Neighbourhood’ feature to the blocking module. This will allow users to assign and move groups.

In terms of reservations, a dynamic reservation screen can restrict what end users can see based on different permissions levels, and in the evolving world of hybrid work environments, admins can now assign users to specific days of a week.

OT Security 

In the Thailand release, Nuvolo has added visual and functional updates to the OT Security’s  existing capabilities. They have enhanced the UI in Vulnerability Management, provided new dashboard functionality, and added support for Software Identification (SWID) format and Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) import.


Real Estate

Thailand brings a requested Real Estate enhancement to the Bulk Payments with the improvements to Cost/Revenue Centres. The new Cost Centres feature will allow the user to create, store, and assign payments to different accounting cost centres for recording and tracking purposes.

On top of that, Thailand introduces an Amendment feature to the Real Estate Asset Management (REAM) application. Users can simply select the “Amend” option, make any changes, support it with any document, and the system will not restart a new contract but continue the existing recording and calculating the changes executed in the amendment.

Learn More

Interested to learn more about how our Tjene team can help implement Nuvolo’s product offerings to meet your organizational needs? Reach out to our team at to discover more!  

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Tjene is a consulting firm who specializes in the implementation of IBM TRIRIGA's integrated workplace management systems (IWMS). Tjene provides their clients with support through cross-industry experience to discover, advise, customize, and implement pragmatic solutions that best fit their clients’ needs.

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